The National Forest Store now offers secure on-line sales through our partner, the National Forest Foundation. However, we still believe that speaking with a person is valuable and that’s why we offer a variety of ways to order Forest Service Maps.
Here’s how to order from the National Forest Store:
- Purchase your maps on-line now! ($1 service charge applies)
- Call your customer service specialists at 406-329-3024.
- Fax your order to 406-329-3030.
- Mail your order and payment to:
USDA Forest Service
National Forest Store
P.O. Box 8268
Missoula, MT 59807
The National Forest Store accepts the following: check, money order, Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.
As always, feel free to call us at 406-329-3024 during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, 7:30am to 5pm Mountain Standard Time. Excluding government holidays.
Need your maps in 1-2 days guaranteed? Express Mail for an additional $25, for up to 4 maps or less than 2 lbs shipping weight. Orders have to be received by 3pm Mountain Time. Excludes Atlases. Please call for details if you need an Atlas in 1 or 2 days.
Maps that are currently out of stock:
- Custer National Forest - Ashland Division
- Custer National Forest - Sioux Division
- Deschutes National Forest
- Inyo Atlas
- Shasta Trinity National Forest
- San Bernardino Atlas