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Jarbidge Wilderness
Jarbidge Wilderness Quantity in Basket: None
Code: NV-5
Price: $10.00
Jarbidge Wilderness Vicinity Map
Jarbidge Wilderness Vicinity Map

Year - 1994

Scale - 1" is 1.18 Miles

Topo Lines - Yes


With more than 113,000 acres, some of the purest air in the country and remote location, the Jarbidge Wilderness in far north-central Nevada offers true wilderness backbountry. Elevations ranging from 8,000 feet to Matterhorn Peak at 10,839 feet provide a wide range of terrain, temperature, vegetation and esperiences. The Jarbridge was one of the nation's first Wildernesses, established by the Wilderness Act of 1964 with 64,830 acres. The Nevada Wilderness Act of 1989 added 48,500 acres for a grand total of 113,330 acres.

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