Anaconda-Pintler Wilderness
Quantity in Basket:
Code: MT-18
Price: $9.00
Year - 1995
Scale - 1:50,000
Topo Lines - Yes
Located along the Continental Divide in southwestern Montana, the Anaconda Pintlar Wilderness is just less than 160,000 acres, ranging in elevations from 5400’ at Willow Flats on the East Fork of the Bitterroot River, to 10,783’ at West Goat Peak. High mountain peaks cover complex structural geology which has been sculpted by recent glaciation. Glacial ice has carved U-shaped valleys and deposited moraines in much of the wilderness. High Line Trail which is a 45 mile stretch of the 3,100 mile Continental Divide National Scenic Trail is found here. This wilderness offers fantastic hiking, fishing, backpacking, horse packing and camping.