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Gospel Hump Wilderness
Gospel Hump Wilderness Quantity in Basket: None
Code: ID-8
Price: $9.00
Gospel Hump Wilderness Vicinity Map
Gospel Hump Wilderness Vicinity Map

Year - 1998

Scale - 1" to the Mile (1:63,360)

Topo Lines - Yes


Gospel Hump contains varying terrain from deep forests to steep mountains, lakes and rivers. Located southeast of Grangeville Idaho, Gospel Hump is well over 200,000 acres. Home of the Nez Perce Indians and miners during the gold rush days, this area also houses abundant wildlife such as moose, mountain lions, mountain goats, big horn sheep, wolves and varying species of fish. Elevations range from 1,900 feet at Wind River to 8,900 feet at Buffalo Hump.

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