Ventana & Silver Peak Wilderness
Quantity in Basket:
Code: CA-67
Price: $9.00
Year - 2007
Scale - 1" to the mile (1:63,360)
Topo Lines - Yes ( Contour Interval 200 Feet)
Established first as a Primitive Area in 1931, the Ventana
was reclassified as Wilderness in 1969. Through expansions in
1978, 1984, 1992 and 2002 the Ventana Wilderness now contains
240,026 acres. The wilderness is named for the Ventana
Double Cone. According to legend, a notch at the peak's
summit (4,853 feet) was once covered by a natural rock
bridge. Early Spanish inhabitants named the outcrop
"Ventana" meaning "window."
This 31,555 acre wilderness was created by the Los Padres
Condor Range and River Portection Act of 1992. With additions
in 2002 as part of the Big Sur Wilderness and Conservation
Act, the Silver Peak Wilderness extends from the Big Sur Coast
inland to the Salinas River Valley and includes the coastal
watersheds of Salmon, Willow and Villa creeks. At 3,590 feet,
Silver Peak is the highest point within the wilderness.
The peak is named for the silvery sheen of the chaparral
vegetation that covers its slopes.