Year - 2008
Scale - 1" to the Mile (1:47,520)
Topo Lines - Yes (Contour Interval 100 Feet)
This 70,385 acre wilderness is located in the Modoc National Forest in the northeast corner of California. Seven peaks
dominate the South Warner Wilderness. The most distinctive are Warren Peak at 9,710 feet in the north central section,
and Eagle Peak at 9,892 feet, presiding in the south central section of the Wilderness. The massive cliffs rising dramatically
behind Patterson Lake on the north side of Warren Peak are typical of the stricking beautiful geography in the Wilderness.
This Wilderness is surrounded by trailheads, campgrounds, corrals, and staging areas that were designed for equestrians. There
are also excellent facilities for non horse people to enjoy. Trailheads include: Pepperdine Trailhead and Campground are on the
north, Soup Springs Trailhead and Campground is on the west, East Creek Trailhead and Campground are on the south. On the east side
of the Wilderness is the small Emerson Campground and Trailhead.