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Mt Shasta Wilderness & Castle Crags Wilderness
Mt Shasta Wilderness & Castle Crags Wilderness Quantity in Basket: None
Code: CA-39
Price: $9.00
Mt Shasta & Castle Crags Wilderness Vicinity Map
Mt Shasta & Castle Crags Wilderness Vicinity Map

Year - 2001

Scale - 2" to the Mile (1:31,680)

Topo Lines - Yes (Contour Interval 80 Feet)


Spectacular sheer granite cliffs and spires attract visitors to this 11,000 acre wilderness in the Shasta-Trinity National Forest of northern California. Elevations range from 2,300 to 7,200 feet. There are five small lakes and numerous streams with large areas of bare outcrops and bare ground. The Pacific Crest Trail bisects the area in an east-west direction. The area adjoins Castle Crags State Park.

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