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Dinkey Lakes Wilderness
Dinkey Lakes Wilderness Quantity in Basket: None
Code: CA-28
Price: $8.00
Dinkey Lakes WIlderness Vicinity Map
Dinkey Lakes WIlderness Vicinity Map

Year - 1991

Scale - 2" to the Mile (1:31,680)

Topo Lines - Yes

Contour Interval 40 Feet


This 30,000 acre wilderness is in the Sierra National Forest on the west slope of the Sierra Nevada southeast of Huntington Lake. Most of the Dinkey Lakes Wilderness consists of rolling, timbered terrain, with sixteen lakes clustered in its west central region. Much of the Wilderness is above 8,000 feet; its highest point, Three Sisters Peak, is 10,619 feet. Large meadows are found in the north central region of the Wilderness, and along Helms Creek.

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